About US
The Polish American Chamber of Commerce Pacific Northwest is a 501(c)(6) non-profit Business and Professional organization promoting Polish American industry, entrepreneurship and innovation. We build bridges between Polish and American enterprises and improve the economic vitality of our members through networking, mentoring and education. We collaborate with academia, NGOs, government entities and a number of industries, in the Pacific Northwest and in other parts of the US, as well as internationally. We promote economic development, cooperation, striving to create a lasting impact. Our goal is to work to maximize our potential and make a significant contribution to our community. Our Chamber is an unaffiliated, nonprofit, nonpolitical organization. Our members include small start-ups, established companies, academic and professional associations and individuals who support our mission.
Discover PACCPNW
Members of the PACC PNW benefit from networking opportunities throughout the year in the fields of Aerospace, High Tech and Innovation or Trade to find partners and to become familiar with the Business environment in the Pacific Northwest. For more information, please contact the [email protected]
Our chamber offers a wide range of services from simple referrals to organizing trade missions and shows.
Member Groups
We recognize that one size does not always fit all. Our interest groups ensure like-minded members to find a group of people sharing the same interests, passions and objectives.
Board of Directors

Mirka E. Nakovski, J.D.

Witold Szczepaniak

Bohdan Raciborski

Anna Babcock

Teresa Indelak-Davis
Doing Business with Poland
The United States and Poland enjoy an extraordinarily close relationship, which has fostered strategic and commercial cooperation. U.S. companies are active in Poland, having invested heavily since the early 1990‟s after the country‟s transition from communism to democracy and the establishment of a market-driven economy. Abundant opportunities remain for U.S. firms in Poland. In addition to the size and location of the domestic market, the country also affords direct access to the larger EU market. Poles continue to demonstrate a strong affinity for the United States and its products.
With a talented labor force, wage rates among the lowest in the EU, excellent regional location and a sizeable market, Poland will continue to attract substantial new private investment for years to come. Due to the high education levels and language aptitude of its people, Poland has also emerged as a leading regional hub for business processing centers, including call centers, back-office hubs and tech and research centers. Incentives will continue to be offered at the national, municipal, and EU levels to stimulate inbound investment.
Poland has everything: beautiful coastal beaches and sand dunes, glacier-carved lake districts, lowlands as flat as a pancake, splendid forests, old and new mountains (including the only table-like mountains in Europe!), Go skiing in the Polish mountains, sail through our country in a canoe, fly through Europe’s state-of-the-art aerodynamic tunnels, and if you want more, discover Polish subterranean wonders.